Silver jewelry is a precious metallic element that has the symbol Ag. In Latin it stands for Argentum, from the word "arg-"meaning "grey" or "shining". Silver is white and lustrous by nature of its color. It has the highest electrical and thermal conductivity among all metals.
Silver is malleable, it is a little harder than gold. That is why silver crafting is very popular in the world of jewelries.And that is also another reason why sterling silver jewelry cannot be 99% or 100%. It is also where sterling silver comes in. Sterling silver is a mixture of 92.5% silver, having the highest possible value for jewelries, and the rest would be copper, zinc, or nickel.
Silver is not only used for jewelry but it is also vital in the field of dentistry. It can be mixed with mercury, tin, and other metal to make dental amalgams used for filling. Silver also plays a great role in the field of medicine. Silver ions and compounds show toxic effect on bacteria and viruses. In fact, back in World War I, silver were used to prevent infection that is of course before they created antibiotics.
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Silver is used in many forms.Primarily it is used in making jewelries, ornament, utensils or silverware, and coins. It is also used as an electrical conductor (having its quality of having a very high conductivity). Silver is also used as a chemical constituent for certain mixtures, like silver nitrate that is use for photography.
So next time that silver is worn as an ornament or jewelry, let us think about and remember the other helpful benefits it can give.
Silver is much less expensive than gold, that is why it is very popular among jewelers and consumers as well. Unlike gold, silver can be easily afforded by many people around the globe, while gold on the other hand can only be afforded by people above the poverty line. Though silver is far cheaper than gold, it is still being considered as a precious metal. Another good reason why many people are seen wearing silver jewelries like ring, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces is that because of its shiny and non-biased color, making it easier to be worn or matched on just any color of clothes.
fashion earrings for women cheap |fashion earrings for women india |Silver is a mixture of almost all colored carat gold alloys, giving the alloy a paler color and great hardness. 9 carat gold, also known as white gold contains 62.5% silver and 37.5% gold. And 22 carat gold contains 91.7% gold and 8.4% silver.
fashion earrings for women 2010 |By Cecilia Wang on May 11, 20110